Safety Eyewear in Winnipeg

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Protect Your Sight at Home, Work, & Beyond

There is no understating the value of proper eye protection.

We offer a variety of safety glasses for a range of situations. All you have to do is come in, explain what type of eye protection you need and let our team handle the rest.

If you have a prescription, feel free to drop by anytime, no appointment needed. But if you’d like to know more about your eyes and how to protect them, book an eye exam today and we can help talk through your needs.

How Safety Glasses Help

Many safety glasses use polycarbonate lenses to help protect your eyes while also providing crisp vision. These lenses can reduce the risk of eye emergencies like:

  • Chemical splashes
  • Foreign objects in the eye
  • Punctures, scrapes and cuts
  • Blunt trauma

Some jobs and sport clubs require safety glasses in order to participate. If you’re unsure what type of eye protection you may need, please speak with our team for help.

Find the Right Pair of Glasses for the Job Today

Whether you’re doing some gardening or getting work done on a construction site, wearing safety glasses can help significantly reduce your risk of experiencing an eye injury.Find the protection you need and visit See Eye Clinic today.

Our Brands

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Armour X

Who said safety eyewear had to be boring. A first among the safety eyewear industry, Armour x offers unique and fashion-forward designs. With attention to detail and quality materials used, see why Armoux is “Bringing Fashion Back To Safety.”

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OnGuard Safety is known for its technological innovations.  They are a leading provider of protective eyewear for industrial and sports applications.  OnGuard, on top of their stylish designs, also offers sun clips, rimless frames, Permashield, and more.

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