Our Practice in Winnipeg

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How It All Started

Dr. Smith-Bodiroga established See Eye Clinic in the summer of 2015 with a big vision: to offer thorough patient care using optometric expertise and diagnostic medical technologies. 

See Eye Clinic built a stunning eyewear section to ensure everyone has access to a wide selection of glasses to fit their face, style and mood. Every pair of frames in our boutique are hand-picked from premium and independent brands to offer you a look that’s as unique as you.

Special Eyes, the previous optometry practice that occupied our space, lives on through our patient base. All of the previous patient files were transferred into our care so we could continue their tradition of committed eye care to Garden City, Winnipeg and beyond.

Let your eyes experience it all with See Eye Clinic.

Our Mission & Guiding Principle

“Our mission is simple; our See team is dedicated to total eye care and maximizing one’s visual potential.”

“See” the Difference

Please visit our team page to learn more about our incredible staff, or book an appointment with us to get the care you and your family deserve!

Where To Find Us

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